Collaboration project with me and Tim Lovett
Bird Feeder ID
We get some pretty interesting backyard visitors down here in Florida, especially during the colder migrating months. What better way to attract such traffic than with something bright, colorful, and eye catching?? No need for fussing around with the build on this end though, Michael’s to the rescue! This cute little Bird Feeder did the just the trick leaving my design availability wide open. Breaking down the flight path of a bird in still frame creates a repetition of movement throughout the wild circus color scheme bringing the eye in for closer inspection for a longer feeding stay.
Tiltbrush Conceptualizing
Toying around with VR in Tiltbrush to get at some concepts I’ve been throwing around. Unfortunately constrained by storage issues so the scale of it wasn’t what I had imagined, but fun to see what the possibilities could be nevertheless. Love being able to easily move and create objects in my physical space!